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グミ 効能:癌予防、抗酸化作用、免疫力亢進、視力改善 |
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イチジク 癌予防、抗酸化作用、高血圧 |
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ブルーベリー 癌予防、抗酸化作用、視力改善 |
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イヌビワ 滋養強壮、痔 |
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白タンポポ 疲労回復、食欲増進、利尿、美容 |
動物性由来乳酸菌発酵物 | 植物性由来乳酸菌発酵物 | |
食品 | ヨーグルト、チーズなどの乳製品、くさや | 味噌、醤油、ぬか漬け、キムチ、試験用液 |
生息条件 | 栄養源が豊富な場所に住む | 動物栄養源が乏しい場所に住む |
性質 | 哺乳類の腸に生息 | 動物性由来の乳酸菌よりも悪条件で生育でき、生命力が強く、胃酸に抵抗し生きたまま腸に届く |
特性 | 様々な種類のヨーグルト(乳酸菌)が摂れる | タンニンやアルカロイド由来の抗生物質を生成 |
*引用:後藤利夫:あなたの知らない乳酸菌力.を一部改変 小学館,2009
主な菌種 | 働き | 効果 | |
善玉菌(約20%) | ビフィズス菌 乳酸菌 |
糖類を醗酵。 乳酸をつくり腸内を酸性 1.感染防御 2.免疫力アップ 3.ビタミン産生 4.消化吸収の補助 |
健康維持 老化防止 |
悪玉菌(約10%) | 大腸菌(O-157 病原性) ウェルシュ菌 ディフィシール菌 フラギリス菌 |
下痢、食中毒、大腸炎、病原性 1.腸内を腐敗(悪臭ガス発生) 2.細菌毒素産生 3.発ガン物質産生 |
アレルギーなどあらゆる病気の原因 |
日和見菌(約70%) | 大腸菌(非病原性) バクテロイデス(非病原性) ユウバクテリウム(非病原性) クロストリジウム(非病原性) ルミノコッカス |
腸常在菌、便1g中1,000万個 腸常在菌、40%以上を占める 種類・機能とも未知の部分多し 種類・機能とも未知の部分多し 種類・機能とも未知の部分多し |
善玉菌・悪玉菌の影響を受け易い |
A wealth of data implicates that ErbB receptors have essential roles in tumor development.
Probiotic bacteria are known to exert an anticancer activity in animal studies. Bacillus polyfermenticus (B.P.), a probiotic bacterium, has been clinically used for a variety of gastrointestinal disorders in East Asia.
Here, we investigated the effect of B.P. on the growth of tumors and its putative mechanism of actions. Conditioned medium of B.P. cultures (B.P. CM) inhibited the growth of human colon cancer cells including HT-29, DLD-1 and Caco-2 cells. Moreover, B.P. CM suppressed colony formation of HT-29 cells cultured on soft agar and reduced carcinogen-induced colony formation of normal colonocytes.
Furthermore, data from the mouse xenograft model of human colon cancer cells showed reduced tumor size in B.P. CM-injected mice when compared to E. coli conditioned medium-injected mice.
Exposure of B.P. CM to HT-29 cells for 24 hr, 48 hr and 2 weeks reduced ErbB2 and ErbB3 protein expression as well as mRNA levels.
Moreover, cyclin D1 expression that is required for ErbB-dependent cell transformation was decreased by B.P. CM. Furthermore, transcription factor E2F-1 that regulates cyclin D1 expression was also decreased by B.P. CM.
These results show that B.P. inhibits tumor growth and its anticancer activity occurs, at least in part, through suppressing ErbB2 and ErbB3.
Taken together, our study suggests that this probiotic may be clinically used as a prophylactic treatment to prevent colon cancer development
Elise L.,et al:Int J Cancer 15;780-790,2010